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    Thursday, August 28, 2008

    Head, Shoulders, Nie's and Toes

    Today is NieNie Day. Poor NieNie. Many of you have heard about her story. If you haven't, you can click here. I don't know her personally, as is the case with most of the world, but I feel like I do, and I love her all the same.

    There are several auctions going on around the web in her honor, but most of the goody goods can be found over at Design Mom, so head over there and let the bidding begin.

    So I know you're wondering what I'll be auctioning off on her behalf.

    A new car!

    Do I have your attention now?

    Let's be honest. I could auction off some piece of crap home made business that will probably fall apart in 2 days time, or I could just support all those that actually have talent and could use the exposure. So just head to DM and do your thang.

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