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Tuesday, October 04, 2005
How I found my "hipness"
You see, I'm not as cool as I used to be. I know, it's shocking, but it's true. I've never been a real clothes person, but I do pride myself on a few things. My hair. I know it's not always "cool" but I think it looks cute considering its nature. Sunglasses. I usually have cute (If not cheap) sunglasses to wear. I don't like being without them. And finally, a purse. Or handbag. Whatever. Well, now I know how to get a cool new handbag whenever I want without paying a fortune! For $10 a month you "rent" a brand new, brand name handbag for as long as you'd like. If you don't ever want to send it back, you simply ask for the "steal" it price, and you can buy it at a discounted rate! Awesome! Log on and try it out! I think it's a cool way to bring back the "hipness" the a few (or fifty) pounds, a couple of kids, and a minivan will suck out of you.
a la
10/04/2005 04:06:00 PM
Rain, fruit flies, and skettie oh's, OH MY!
Follow along with me!
How gross is this? I have had about 20 fruit flies accosting me today! I threw out a bad bunch of bananas yesterday, but boy they must be feasting somewhere else. They're seriously ticking me off! And now Maggie has spilled her "skettie oh's" all over. The dog looks like she has a red goatee. It's pretty funny. And it's raining. The Weatherman said a 100% chance today. He must have looked out the window on his way to work this morning. Genius!
a la
10/04/2005 02:33:00 PM
Maiden Voyage
Well well well, what do ya know? I've officially entered the space age! This will be my official page of useless ramblings and such! We'll see what happens.
a la
10/04/2005 01:44:00 PM