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    Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    Is it me?

    Sugar Daddy, bless his heart, jetted off to the White Sox-Yankee's game without me. This leaves me in a pickle. Kids. All day, all night. Alone. What to do, what to do?

    A movie! Of course. What a _____ idea!

    Good? Nope.
    Fun? Nope.
    Silly? Kinda.

    Gretta does NOT like to hold still. EVER. But I thought surely "Horton Hears A Who" would keep her attention at least a little. And it did, for approximately 15 seconds. After that, I was standing with her on the sidelines. Lucky for us, there was only a Grandma and her 2 Granddaughters in the audience, so hopefully they understood.

    In the meantime, I was caught wondering, "Am I the first person in the world to think this movie is weird?"

    I have heard from so many people how cute it is, and don't get me wrong, the animation and the voices are awesome, but the whole "believing in things unseen" was a little, i dunno, preachy to me. I mean, I have faith, of course I do, but I also wondered about past movies that have been ridiculed for their religious undertones. Golden Compass, anyone? Now if that one was so criticized for being of an Atheist view, why was this not singled out for being of a Christian view?

    I don't expect you to answer that, but I know some of you are substantially more well versed in pop culture and the ramifications of said undertones.

    Okay, also, Dr. Seuss has always kinda given me the creeps. I remember even as a kid, thinking "Why are those staircases just hanging in midair?" And thinking the roundness of the buildings, or sharpness of the flowers seemed alien-like.

    And yet I paid good money to see this movie. The kids loved it, of course, as kids would love pretty much anything with an elephant and monkeys, but I was disappointed. Too bad. I had high hopes.

    Yo Momma

    I heart our Earth. Really, I do. I can't imagine what aliens must deal with on those other planets. We have it pretty easy here, for the most part. And in honor of Earth Day, I give you ways I help our Mother Earth have an easier time dealing with all us humans dissing her.

    I recycle. This is one of a set of two matching trash cans. But one is designated Recycle Only, unless you're my mom, then you can throw whatever you want in there, because you're here, and I don't care if you mess up my recycling mojo, as long as you're here.

    I heart rainbows. Very nice of Mother Earth and Mother Nature to collaborate on this effort to give us a short glimpse of beauty.

    And I have reusable grocery bags. And I use them. I was tempted to take them to the mall with me on Saturday to forgo the department store plastics, but I forgot. What can I say? I'm lucky I make it there with all the children, let alone reusables. But it's the thought that counts, right?

    Anyway, thanks again, Mother Earth. Keep up the good work.