I guess Amy and I copycatted each other. For a view of my new haircut, check out Meg's blog.
I guess Amy and I copycatted each other. For a view of my new haircut, check out Meg's blog.
a la
9/01/2007 11:33:00 PM
If only somehow I'd known that this:
Would turn into this:In just a matter of hours. Like a few hours. Fast, way too fast. Maggie went from fine, to feverish, to sleepy, to vomiting and listless in about 6 hours. She is notorious for this. But this time was different. We couldn't figure out what was wrong. No sore throat, no ear ache, no tummy ache, nothing. After a night of sleep, and still not being better by morning, we ended up at Primary's. Can I just say a big Thank You to them for being awesome. IV fluids, several well meaning doctors, and finally an intern that took it upon himself to do it right. We end up with
Drum Roll Please....
Pyelonephritis. Lay terms: Kidney infection. And after a long night in the hospital, she goes to this:Thank goodness kids are so resilient. She's much better now. Hopefully we'll have no long lasting effects from this, but there is still one test to be done once all the infection is gone.
a la
9/01/2007 08:17:00 PM
Labels: Kids