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    Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    Things That Must Go {Episode 2}

    • Toilet paper on rolls so tight, you can only get off 1 square at a time. By the time I have an adequate handful, I've drip dried sufficiently.
    • White sunglasses on men. This is a la Meg, because I'm definitely not that fashion minded.
    • WiFi that takes an eternity and 4000 steps to hook up to. Really, if I have to reprogram my entire hard drive, give blood, and hop backwards at sunset to surf your free internet, I'm just not that interested.

    6 Response(s):

    Laura said...

    Member the little tiny squares of toilet paper from elem. school? They were sooooo thin and tiny.

    Shylo said...

    You are so funny...Things I could do without, the people who honk their horn the very moment the light turns green. Forgive me for blinking and taking a breath before I push the gas pedal. :) Oh and cashiers who talk your ear off while ringing you up in the slowest possible fashion; while I am trying to keep my 3 restless kids under control...if you can't talk and ring me up just stop talking! Boy am I ornery! :)

    Michelle said...

    I agree with you. I hate it when you can not get any toilet paper from those tight rolls.

    Michelle said...

    All I have too say is, "I LOVE YOU"! You bring a smile to my face every day!!! Do you all need some more enchiladas? Let me know?

    Love you all!
    Michelle Muhlestein

    Rachel B said...

    You are funny Keli, and very clever!

    Larissa said...

    What about white flip flops on men? I think that must go!!! Something about it looks wrong!