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    Tuesday, May 06, 2008

    Mother's Day Week

    Why I love being a mother

    • It makes me do things I would otherwise never have courage to do.
    • It makes me see things from a smaller, more innocent perspective.
    • It makes me more confident in my decision making skills.
    • It makes me rely on faith and promptings in a way I have never known.
    • It makes me stick to my guns, and stick up for my kids.
    • It makes me see how lucky I am to have healthy, happy kids.
    • It makes me appreciate my own mother more than ever.
    Why do you love being a mother?

    5 Response(s):

    Nunn said...

    Why do I lova being a Mother? Because when your kids grow up and have their own kids, they write special things like you just did.
    It makes me feel like I did a fairly good job with my own kids. I love you. You are such a great Mom!!!!!!

    Meg & Josh said...

    You are such a good mom! What better examples than those of my sisters, sister-in-law and my own mother!

    Laura said...

    Awe, you're such a good mom! And look how deep you are too! Being a mom is the best!

    Kelli said...

    I love being a mother because it gives me a strong stomach. I can handle all sorts of bodily fluids now. I can catch throw-up like Meg. I am really good at that!!!

    Kelli said...

    One more thing, Keli you are a great mother and I know your kids love you so much. I just hope I can be as good of a mother as you.