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    Tuesday, January 27, 2009

    Womb Mates

    Did you hear about the lady that gave birth to Octuplets? OCT-tuplets. For the record, that word isn't even in my computer dictionary. Quintuplets, yep, it's there. Sextuplets, sure. Septuplets and Octuplets, nope. This should be our first, or maybe seventh or eighth clue that our "fertility treatments" have gotten a little out of control. And the poor lady, she didn't even know she was having 8 babies. She thought there was "only" 7 until the delivery, and then surprise! one more.

    I guess what's one more when you're already having a litter. Note that that is a statement, not a question.

    My darling Terrible Two year old, of which I have one, has decided that she can dial 9-1-1, stay up until midnight, and drink regular Coke. Imagine a day like that times 8! I need a nap just thinking about it.


    10 Response(s):

    Michelle said...

    I couldn't imagine having that many kids at once. I look at potty training with Tressa and I think wow try potty training 8 kids at once.

    Darci Buhl said...

    Really? And they all lived? CAn you even imagine the diapers? Agh. No thanks.

    Christian and Karen Robinson said...

    Even worse, I hear she wants to breast-feed them all. Really? She'll need one heck of a pump!

    hanner said...

    I'm still laughing at your last paragraph.

    Stephanie said...

    I don't know many people that would be okay with a surprise baby, but I guess in this situation she probably didn't think anything of it 7, 8 its all the same. Bless her heart!

    Kate said...

    I saw the title Womb Mates and thought FOR SURE you were finally spilling the beans about your soon to be born twins. Not yet??

    Shar said...

    I couldn't even imagine having 8 AT ALL, let alone at the same time.

    She dials 911. That kills me.

    amelia said...

    I would go out of my mind. Have you ever watched "Jon and Kate Plus Eight"? That show makes me so stressed.

    Kelli said...

    You can send Gretta to my house. I'll stay up and drink coke with her.

    Tina said...

    What this particular article doesn't disclose is that this woman already has six...yes 6, children. Ranging from 7 on down (one set of twins in there!) Seriously?