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    Friday, April 18, 2008

    Friday Fun

    I was awakened this morning by Gretta crying in her crib. It was 4:18AM. After a diaper change, a cup of milkie, and some motherly cuddles, I layed her back in her crib and headed to bed myself. 4:35AM. It was then I thought I felt Sean shaking his leg on the bed. And it was then that I heard our bookcase creak very loudly as it settled. Off to dreamland I went. It wasn't until I watched the news this morning that I realized it was an EARTHQUAKE I was feeling! Wow, who knew? Interesting.

    So on to todays fun. I'm bored. And I'm curious. About you, my loyal reader(s). Help me out here by playing along.

    What is one food item you absolutely will not eat?

    -Rule #1- you must have tasted this at least once, and
    -Rule #2- it must be an actual food item.

    Easy. I'll start.

    Tomatoes. Raw. Gross.

    21 Response(s):

    Kelli said...

    Asparagus! It's disgusting and when I was young my dad made me eat it. It was stringy and got caught in my throat. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. When I got back to the table there was more on my plate. My dad made me eat it again. In the end, I threw up 5 times and he finally stopped making me eat it.

    Nunn said...

    Liver. Since Daddy killed beef all the time, he always brought home the liver, etc. Mom always tried to cook it so we wouldn't know what it was, but we did!! I never really said I didn't like it but I have never eaten since I moved out. And I never will!! But my Dad loved it!! He would even order it in a restaurant. Can you imagine????

    Nunn said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Kalli Ko said...

    clam chowder, clams look like giant tounges

    sushi-I try but it's so gross

    Keli said...

    We got KFC for dinner last night, don't ask about the pizza I burned, and it got me thinking about getting KFC and going to Lagoon. Remember we used to get the chicken livers? They were so good! I guess as a kid I never realized exactly what they were, but I loved them!

    But I would never, ever cook it.

    Kelli, I'm surprised about the asparagus. I thought with it being a pretty, modern-y food, you would like it. I guess you never really know someone.

    Keli said...

    Kalli, you need to try my mom's clam dip. I know, sounds weird, but you can't taste the clams, and in fact could really even leave the clams completely out, just use the juice. It's very very good. I'll have to post the recipe on the blog.

    Jacob said...

    Mayo = Monkey Butter = NOT ON YOUR LIFE!

    Laura said...

    I think brussel sprouts are nasty. Yuck! I think I will eat most anything but not those. Yuck!

    amy k said...

    I have to agree on your tomatoes, but you already said that so I say

    Keli said...

    Laura, you will pretty much eat anything. You have a very developed palate.

    Amy and Jake, Sean agrees with you whole-heartedly.

    A. Simpson said...

    Hi blogstalker here. I can't recall how I found you but you are hilarious. Anyhoo-peppers. Any variety. I also will not "just pick them out" because whatever they touch, their taste lingers. Makes me shudder just to think of them. Blech!

    Meg & Josh said...

    Raw Onions. I HATE they way they taste, I hate they smell, and I hate the breath afterward.

    heidijogoody said...

    Hey this is Megs friend Heidi, I just noticed that you hadn't accepted the invite to view my blog now that it is private and I just wanted to let you know that I sent that to your gmail account!

    Jacob said...

    Pretty cool that you felt the earthquake though. It says it was a 5.4 that's a pretty good tremble. I thought it was funny you blamed in on Sean. I have a funny earthquake story too, different story different time.

    Larissa said...

    I agree with yo mama. Liver is so gross. I hate meat anyway but having to eat liver was disgusting. My dad loves it. He orders it at restaurants too. I don't complain because it is full of iron for those anemic people. But, yucko on the liver. Never made it, never will. The kids would NEVER touch the stuff!

    Kalli Ko said...

    see but that's just it, what's the point of eating something if it doesn't taste like it? It's like when people say "it doesn't taste fishy!!", so then what's the point of eating it?

    Betsy said...

    soft shell crabs - makes me think of eating cock roaches.

    jessica said...

    After I ate cow brain (unknowingly on my mission), I'll eat just about anything but that again. I got over a lot of the foods I didn't like after that, including almost everything that's been listed in the other comments.

    The Noorda Monkeys said...

    Cheese- it is the most discusting thing eva made in this world! i tell people i am allergic to it so they don't make me eat it! but it is kinda wierd- my favorite food is cheese pizza... really wierd. But yeah cheese= grossness!

    Keli said...

    Okay, I'm pretty sure I've never eaten cow brain, (where on earth did you serve your mission?), and I'm certain I couldn't live without cheese. It's one of my favorite food groups.

    This has been an interesting look into how particular we are, and how diverse. Wow.

    Lyf2.0 said...

    Not regarding the food tangent... I don't play be the rules... I think Gretta can predict earthquakes. I mean, really. She JUST HAPPENS to wake up JUST BEFORE an earthquake... I've heard of dogs and parakeets doing this, but not a little girl... You could go around the world making a fortune!