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    Monday, November 12, 2007


    Am I the only living person that is terribly tired of the FREAKING Colbie Callait song? Oh, puhleez, stop with the "starts in my nose" crap.

    Seriously, who says that crap.

    Crap, I say.

    6 Response(s):

    Laura said...

    Me too!!! It was good until it was over played and over heard on every radio station, store, restaurant, blog, etc...

    chel wakley said...

    No you are not the only one.. I really want to start to cry everytime I hear it..

    Jill Johnson said...

    I am so glad that today when I posted, that song went bye bye, off my blog. Once I put it on I couldn't figure out how to get it off. Boy was I regreting that decision. I actually downloaded her whole album, and it is really good. I have to skip track 4 though.

    Kalli Ko said...

    you mean you're not bubbly??

    Lyf2.0 said...

    Hummm... I "wonder" what my PodLoad is going to be next week???

    Meg & Josh said...
