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    Wednesday, May 09, 2007

    What's this I found?

    What a strange piece of laundry. This basket is G's latest mode of transport from upstairs to downstairs. Despite the look on her face, she really does love it.

    4 Response(s):

    Min said...

    I can't believe how big she is getting. WOW! She's adorable.

    Kirsten said...

    What a cutie; I like the transport.

    bonny with a Y said...

    haha - we used to do the same thing with our babies.

    what a cutie

    Brittany said...

    Oh my gosh! Little Gretta is so cute!! (can you please plump her up a bit?? C has almost 6 punds on her)

    C has taken rides in the laundry basket, too, but that had to stop after he vomited on my clean undies.